ProsourceFit Doorway Mount, Foldable, Multi-Grip, Multi-Grip Lite and Wall-Mounted Pull Up/Chin-Up Bar
Aus edelstahl
Passend für alle gängigen Türrahmen
Ideal für Klimmzüge, Sit-ups, Liegestütze, Dips und Bauchtraining
Aus edelstahl
Passend für alle gängigen Türrahmen
Ideal für Klimmzüge, Sit-ups, Liegestütze, Dips und Bauchtraining
Stärkt Trizeps, Bizeps, Rumpf-, Schulter-, Brust- und Rückenmuskulatur
Schnelle und einfache Montage
MULTIFUNCTIONAL – 12 comfortable grips & various handles allow you to perform wide, hammer, close-grip exercises
UPPER BODY STRENGTH – Strengthen entire upper body and abs with pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, dips, and leg raises
EASY TO ASSEMBLE & INSTALL – Slip-in design fits standard doorways (24” to 36”). Includes 2 optional foam covers for outer handles to protect doorframes
AT-HOME WORKOUT – Portable design makes it easy to squeeze in workouts and stay fit at home; Exercise guide included
DURABLE STEEL – Made of high grade steel & built to last, it holds up to 300 lb. and includes a limited lifetime warranty
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